Veranstaltungsreihe | Zoom Meeting | Chatb 2020 FIRE SALE _onlineWednesday 09.12.2020 | 17:00 – 22:00 ZOOM Veranstaltungslink Zoom Meeting ID: 849 5283 8431 CHATB Veranstaltungslink Special Guest : Maysara Abdulhaq “How to delete your startup, from scratch”** 7 pm – 8 pm, on and zoom One visitor or household per hour5pm or 6pm or 8pm or 9pmR.S.V.I.P. –> _EN A FLEA MARKET FOR THINGS NOT WORTH KEEPINGAN AUCTION OF IDEAS AND MOODS TO GET RID OFWE HELP YOU DEINSTALL ALL APPS YOU DON’T NEED drop in, drop it off and shop aroundleftovers from copy kiosk are still availablemaybe we can give you technical advice GET RID OF YOURSELFEVERYTHING MUST GONOTHING IS SAFE GESELLSCHAFTEN_Newsletter