Performance | Tanz |Film | Fashion
Fr. 09.09.22 | 21:00 – 22:15
Sa. 10.09.22 | 21:00 – 22:15
a trans-choreography project by Thelma Bonavita, Juliana França and Marcela Reichelt | part of Fleshion – Politics of Appearances as part of FLESHION + PROXY – Politics of Dis/Appearance (concept: Nicolas Siepen and Thelma Bonavita) | part of gesellschaften 2022
Trans-choreography is a decentralized performative system that considers the transit at the crossroads of concepts, artists, modes of production, audience and environment. It is an experiment on states of dynamic relationships. The term crossroad in Afro-Brazilian religious Candomblé means a place of offerings, a place of pause, a moment stopped in time which leads to a change from one stage to another, simply from one situation to another. Therefore, inspiration is sought for the new path that is desired.
The performance takes place in three different spaces in Vierte Welt revealing its environment beyond its physical rooms. In one room an installation created by the visual artist Nicolas Siepen shows a mashup of political speeches from all ranges. A huge research of online historical material stands by itself. And gains still another layer when the dancers are performing there. The next appearance takes place at the Vierte Welt pergola, which can be associated with a strange catwalk. And the last appearance takes place under a tree, on a “black hole” made up of textiles, where the audience experiences the offering and wishes for a new road silently. Our three different scores also echoes Steve Paxton’s research of small dance.
It is a result of the in transit (online and offline) collaborative work of three Brazilian female artists, Thelma Bonavita, Juliana França and Marcela Reichelt, and music by Piero Bonavita, a generative composition.
Thelma Bonavita is a Brazilian artist based in Berlin and Sao Paulo who works at the crossing of dance, fashion and visual arts. Co-founder of Como clube, which had its last performance at 31 Sao Paulo Biennial, 2014. Since then she has been working on Fleshion and trans-choreography long-term research. From time to time sharing its results in Brazil and Germany.
Juliana França is a Brazilian artist and public-school art teacher in the peripheral zone of Sao Paulo city. She has been developing her work in the transit between art and education, seeking to reduce the boundaries between these and other areas of activity since 2001. Being also a Fleshion and trans-choreography research collaborator she performed a Fleshion dance piece at Sao Paulo Cultural Centre in 2019.
Marcela Reichelt is a Brazilian dancer and doula based in Berlin. Her work transits between the art of creating bodily poetics through dance and the art of accompanying the puerperal pregnancy. That brings together nuances into both spaces of creation. Being also a Fleshion and trans-choreography research collaborator she performed a Fleshion dance piece at Sesc Dance Biennial in 2017.
Fotos: Gustavo Saulle, Natalia Castro, Matti Aiko
The bar will be open before and after for celebration.