Performance | Tanz |Film | Fashion
Mi. 07.09.22 | 17:00 – 22:00
a trans-choreography project by Thelma Bonavita, Juliana França and Marcela Reichelt | part of Fleshion – Politics of Appearances as part of FLESHION + PROXY – Politics of Dis/Appearance (concept: Nicolas Siepen and Thelma Bonavita) | part of gesellschaften 2022
You can join this event also via Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
(Meeting ID: 898 5646 9271)
17:00 to 19:00 hs: Open practice
20:00 to 22:00hs: Zoom tuning score collective improvisation
Collective improvisation practice of tuning score, online and offline.
Bring your phone or participate from any place you want.
On September 7 Brazil celebrates the independence from Portugal and usually the government does a military parade in Brasilia only. But now, this government wants to put tanks in Copacabana as well and the federal police have been on alert of an attempt of a bomb attack to blame the left. All over Brazil it is a tradition to go on the streets and follow The March of The Oppressed. With the attitude of this government there is a real danger of a clash between the extreme right and the supporters of the march.
The Tuning score is an open-source score developed by Lisa Nelson that Thelma Bonavita has been practicing with many performers, including Lisa Nelson herself. On the 7th the purpose of this specific practice is to highlight the importance of strengthening our network with an art practice. A practice that allows us to dance as we feel like, as a political statement. Always oppression starts taking our body. The body is the first area to be colonized, and domesticated, and so is our mind. Thus, combining it with a political visual sign that can be brought onto the scene, for example, a cap, t-shirt, flag, and so on, the Tuning score gets another layer. Bring any, but in case you don’t have or forget to bring we will provide you with paper and pen and you can use them as you want.
You can find information about the Tuning score here:,in%20the%20act%20of%20doing
Thelma Bonavita is a Brazilian artist based in Berlin and Sao Paulo who works at the crossing of dance, fashion and visual arts. Co-founder of Como clube, which had its last performance at 31 Sao Paulo Biennial, 2014. Since then she has been working on Fleshion and trans-choreography long-term research. From time to time sharing its results in Brazil and Germany.
Juliana França is a Brazilian artist and public-school art teacher in the peripheral zone of Sao Paulo city. She has been developing her work in the transit between art and education, seeking to reduce the boundaries between these and other areas of activity since 2001. Being also a Fleshion and trans-choreography research collaborator she performed a Fleshion dance piece at Sao Paulo Cultural Centre in 2019.
Marcela Reichelt is a Brazilian dancer and doula based in Berlin. Her work transits between the art of creating bodily poetics through dance and the art of accompanying the puerperal pregnancy. That brings together nuances into both spaces of creation. Being also a Fleshion and trans-choreography research collaborator she performed a Fleshion dance piece at Sesc Dance Biennial in 2017.
Fotos: Gustavo Saulle, Natalia Castro, Matti Aiko
The bar will be open before and after for celebration.