Performance | Tanz |Film | Fashion


Di. 06.09.22  |  17:00 – 22:00

 a trans-choreography project by Thelma Bonavita, Juliana França and Marcela Reichelt

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(Meeting ID: 856 5046 4654)

Fleshion – Politics of Appearances is part of FLESHION + PROXY  –  Politics of Dis/Appearance  (concept: Nicolas Siepen and Thelma Bonavita) | part of gesellschaften 2022

17:00 to 19:00 hs: Open practice (relational materials)

The practice is to dress up without using mirrors. A different way of developing aesthetics. A simple but powerful shift in the way we perceive ourselves and others. 
We will offer cellophane paper of various colors, branches, pieces of textiles, strings and tapes. Bring whatever you want to contribute.


20:00 to 22:00 hs: COMO (how) movies move

Como clube was a self-organized experimental art collective that ran interdisciplinary practices and research initiatives. It provided infrastructure and inventive financing solutions in order to as structuring structure performances with political implications. Its principal aim was to investigate how creation is triggered, sustained, and lived, for individuals and collectives and shared with wider communities.

“Como” in Portuguese means “how” in English. The word how, is used to investigate ways and means of doing something. Como is also the conjugation of the verb “comer” in the first-person singular, Eu como (I eat). Eating was an important metaphor used by the poet and novelist Oswald de Andrade in his “Manifesto Antropófago” in order to represent how strange new objects can be integrated and metabolized within the body. Como also sounds similar to the English word, “common”, a piece of land in communal use in the Middle Ages. Como (how), Como (eating), Common (community): learning from one another, eating together and thinking about how we do what we do communally.  Using the entanglement of these meanings, Como clube established its performative approach.



1)  FERVO (boiling)
The movie is in Brazilian Portuguese and we will translate it alive into English as a performative action. We count on everyone who wants to try the translation and help us to share the content. We will be playing with the performative act of translation. The movie shows one of those conceptual parties in Como clube, offering a glimpse of how we had made it collectively. It was made by the Brazilian visual artist and photographer, Feliz Trovoada (artist’s portfolio: )


Trans-choreography: Interiors and Exteriors
(São Paulo/Brazil – Tromsø/Norway)

The film Latent River is an improvised collaboration with the COMO collective, an audio-visual real-time meditation, exploration and fragmentation of contemporary phantasmagoria and issues around the complexities of the colonial heritage in Brazil and Norway. Latent River takes place in an abandoned ruin: the destroyed subterranean theatre of Casa do Povo in São Paulo. Flooded by underground rivers which spring up in the rainforest region, muddy waters transported the real and latent catastrophes of the dispossessed from the past into the present theatre. In these silent ruins, Latent River creates an anthology and index of variations, “short stories” and gestures framed by the catastrophe and set off a movement of resurrection and ungrounding. It tells its story with dark rooms and gloomy light when the warm rain is woven like silk threads into the fabric of the big city in the south. Look the dust is growing. Can we desire something we don’t understand or even know? Well, we have to find out. We have to follow the unconscious, wild and blind stream of desire and water through the underground to find out. On the other side of the world are the icy beaches of the sub-arctic on the south side of Tromsø Skull Island. The snow-covered and frozen mountains stoically waiting! So the underground spit us out onto the chilling beach, scattered amongst the various sweet stuff and matter: ice, seaweed, shells and broken glass, like flotsam. We found shelter in an abandoned house on top of the beach. A cheap modernist building ripe for its demolition. A dark storm is coming, blowing over clouds and purple fog. With the glittering midnight sun and different conditions, the process of materialization and epiphany started again. Reindeer fur, plastic, horns, glitter, diamonds and desire, driving forces in disguise, lifting the socio-cultural and economic realities from the underground onto the ground and back. The dark miens, like an open mouth hungry for rare metals and minerals for the global market and the wasted land. Wild and sacred rivers straighten and developed by machines. The ice slobber is piling up on the beaches, carried by gentle waves. Look look, the dust is growing


Production: COMOclube Trans/choreography: COMO & Friends | Music: Tromsø Dollsz Arkestra | Sound: Matti Aikio, Nicolas Siepen | Camera: Matti Aikio, Nicolas Siepen, Emilija Skarnulyte | Editing: Matti Aikio, Nicolas Siepen, Emilija Skarnulyte | Extra Camera: Fernanda Vinhas | Photography: Tanya Busse, Fernanda Vinhas | Space-performance: (Sao Paulo) Chicao, Caio Cesar, Allyson Amaral, Ana Dupas, Eidglas Xavier, Mavi Veloso, Henrik Sørlid, Emilija Skarnulyte, Marco Oscar Wilde, Andrez Lean Guizze. (Tromsø) Louis, Thelma Bonavita, Gabi Vanzetta, Caio Cesar, Mavi Veloso, Simon Deluxe, Marsil Andjelov Al-Mahamid, Henrik Sørlid, Chris Owen
COMOclube: Thelma Bonavita (director), Allyson Amaral, Ana Dupas, Caio Cesar, Eidglas Xavier, Gabi Vanzetta, Mavi Veloso, Chicao
COMOcollaborators from the Tromsø academy of contemporary art: Emilija Skarnulyte (Lithuanian), Henrik Sørlid (Norway), Marsil Andjelov Al-Mahamid (Serbia), Matti Aiko (Finland), Tanya Busse (Canada), Nicolas Siepen (Germany), Simon Deluxe (Norway)
COMOcollaborators: Amilcar Packer, Karlla Girotto, Maryah Monteiro, Peter Pal Perbart, Suely Rolnik, Gustavo Saulle, Gustavo Silvestre, Ad Ferrera (Brazil), Nicolas Siepen (Germany), Valentina Desideri (Italy/France)
COMOsupporters: Beto Grimaldi, Christine Greiner, Jet Pascua / Tanya Busse (Small Projects/Norway), Helena Katz and Pablo Lafuente (Spain/England/Brazil



Thelma Bonavita is a Brazilian artist based in Berlin and Sao Paulo who works at the crossing of dance, fashion and visual arts. Co-founder of Como clube, which had its last performance at 31 Sao Paulo Biennial, 2014. Since then she has been working on Fleshion and trans-choreography long-term research. From time to time sharing its results in Brazil and Germany.

Juliana França is a Brazilian artist and public-school art teacher in the peripheral zone of Sao Paulo city. She has been developing her work in the transit between art and education, seeking to reduce the boundaries between these and other areas of activity since 2001. Being also a Fleshion and trans-choreography research collaborator she performed a Fleshion dance piece at Sao Paulo Cultural Centre in 2019.

Marcela Reichelt is a Brazilian dancer and doula based in Berlin. Her work transits between the art of creating bodily poetics through dance and the art of accompanying the puerperal pregnancy. That brings together nuances into both spaces of creation. Being also a Fleshion and trans-choreography research collaborator she performed a Fleshion dance piece at Sesc Dance Biennial in 2017.

Fotos: Gustavo Saulle, Natalia Castro, Matti Aiko

The bar will be open before and after for celebration.

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