Workshop | gesellschaften
Sa. 24.09.22 | 11:00 – 13:00
Workshop mit topsoil : Sofia Villena Araya, Deniz Kirkali und Amelie Wedel | Teil 2 des Radical Teaching Workshops: Feminist Practices of Writing and Mapping as part of gesellschaften 2022
You can join this event also via Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
(Meeting ID: 874 4205 8743)

“Mapping Encounters” draws from one of the techniques which have proven central to our way of working as a collective: maps. Through maps, we think together and document our collaborative processes; we try to discern the different layers and conceptual densities while visualizing the diverse ways in which our thinking and sensibilities play out.
For this hybrid workshop, we will offer that technique in order to share and reflect on the expectations, bodily sensations, questions, and thoughts that affect the collective configuration of learning spaces. We will work in small groups and build up layers of mapping the encounter of the workshop itself in dialogue with past (and possible future) learning experiences.
topsoil is a transnational curatorial and research collective formed by Sofia Villena Araya, Deniz Kirkali and Amelie Wedel in 2017 in London. Based in San Jose, Istanbul and Berlin, together we seek to bring into conversation our various contextual and disciplinary perspectives by threading a notion of learning through friendship. Through prolonged conversation, we ask how to work and think with each other, prioritizing care and sensibility to what drives our research and practice. We initiate long-term collaborative research projects with thinkers and practitioners to collect methods and tools that help us move towards a shared ground while being attentive to specificities.
Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Foto: topsoil
In Kooperation mit nocturne – Plattform für experimentelle Wissensproduktion.
Gefördert durch den Hauptstadtkulturfonds.