12h Event |UdK Studium Generale in collaboration with Vierte Welt
Sa. 12.02.22 | 12:00 – 24:00
12 Hours of Nothing The UdK Studium Generale in collaboration with Vierte Welt Berlin In his legendary “Lecture on Nothing”, composer John Cage claims that “what we require is silence, but what silence requires is that I go on talking”. In his unique and concise way, Cage points out that Nothing can only exist through specific modes of action, by demarcating zones of non-doing; in other words, Nothing is a practice.
In the past few weeks, we gathered at Vierte Welt and online, as part of the “Practices of Nothing” seminar; we read, discussed, and reflected upon the notion of Nothing in the context of artistic practice, as well as in the broader socio-economic context, namely, late-capitalism’s demands of constant production and commodification of everything.
Aiming to embody and explore the elusive notion of Nothing, we have formulated a collection of practices, installations, collective acts and individual mediations, which will be shared with the public at the “12 Hours of Nothing” event.
Join us on Saturday, February 12, anytime from noon till midnight, at Vierte Welt Berlin (2G+), or tune-in to the live streaming:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82021155710pwd=MjZGUlUwY1ZkL3dSZFk5b0ZVRWx1dz09 Meeting ID: 820 2115 5710, Passcode: 774319
Expect Nothing! *please bring your own headphones if you wish to experience audio pieces.
With and by: Rihua Jin | Zuki Ringart | Selin Demirel | Emily Adele | Yuxiao Feng | Tobija Hudnik | Jonas Frey | Morten Østerlund Larsen | Margarita Stiemerling | Saara Kolehmainen | Clio Maclellan
Seminar lead: Netta Weiser
Technical support: Aiko Okamoto