Phantom Power workshop with Shasti

So. 08.10.23  |  14:00 – 16:00


Workshop creator: Shasti


Wandering Salon curators: Gugi Gumilang, Hai Nam Nguyen, Lisabona Rahman, Phuong Phan, Rosalia Namsai Engchuan and Sarnt Utamachote


This workshop is an invitation to reimagine monsters, devils, ghosts, rage, and revenge from the margin of history. The demonisation of these terms, along with the negation of supernaturality, shares the same narratives with any forms of oppression and othering. Shasti will share their/dia’s research on how this affects queer and racialized bodies, especially from an Indonesian context. They/dia will provide some playful exercises and digital methods to activate our inner demonic fantasies and explore decolonial ideas of haunting. We will create our collective ghost archive and learn curse as a method of political self-affirmation. Lastly, Shasti will introduce their/dia’s sonic practice, Phantom Power, and invite participants to embody their diabolicity via the digital transformations of their voices.


Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds


Workshop in English language

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