Theater | Performance
Tracings (in Arabisch, English, Deutsch)
Nora Amin
Mi. 09.10. + Do.10.10.2019 | 20:00 – 21:00
Karten/Bar 19:30 | Eintritt 7 Euro
An encounter between two women who belong to different generations, and speak three different languages: Arabic, English and German. Together they trace the history of their femininity, in connection to homeland, patriarchy, foreignness and politics.
They exchange roles and positions, and experiment with being in each other’s shoes across time. Their bonding becomes central to their healing and to their relation to the audience. They re-invent their references and roots, re-construct their memories and celebrate their womanhood.
In Arabisch, Englisch, Deutsch.
Writer & Director Nora Amin
Performer Nora Amin | Steffi Sommer
Dauer: 60 minutes