Diskussion & Konzert

„Redeiras dum mundo melhor“

Tomé Laxe (BNG)


Politische Debatte über internationalistische Netzwerke & Benxamín Otero (Weltmusik).

Mit Musik und herbstlichen Veggie-Menü.

Sa. 02.11.19 | 17:00 – 23:00 | Bar 20:00 | Eintritt frei


Dear comrades, dear friends,

we are very glad and proud to invite you to our 3rd political meeting in Berlin-Kreuzberg (Theater Vierte Welt). This time we will have the chance to discuss international solidarity in Germany from different kind of political organizations, civil rights movements and Marxist media who seek to spread an antiimperialist media network.

Because we are going to talk about networks, past and present experiences and how to strength them for the future we took that powerful image of a specialist in repairing fisher nets, a traditional key job in our coasts which is conducted by women but even today invisible for the Capitalist labour laws.

After the discussion you can enjoy at 8 PM a World-Music concert of a great musician, Benxamín Otero, coming directly from Galicia to Berlin for this unique event. Free entrance and vegetarian menu on our best peasant cuisine typical for our foggy and cold autumn.

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